THE BANGALA, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu

In a little-known region of southern India, the centre stage is held by a collection of eccentric yet elegant mansions whose masters were drawn away by the lure of the big cities. One among them, The Bangala, is now attracting travellers with its atmosphere of another...

AYISHA MAMZIL, Tellicherry, Kerala

Secreted away on the northern Malabar coast, this immaculate private residence looks over the Arabian Sea in and old fishing and spice trading port. It’s owner-hosts usher you into another world of little known sights, martial arts and dance forts, and the...

ANANDA In The Himalaya, Near Rishikesh, Uttaranchal

India’s first and foremost destination spa, situated in the hills rising above the Ganges, Ananda In The Himalaya is the fitting reward at the end of a long journey and home for the soul, mind and body. A magnificent setting, with hospitality and facilities to...

AMANBAGH, Ajabgarh,Rajasthan

A caravanserai like an abode set in a secluded valley along a medieval trade route of the Mughal empire, Amanbagh is peace, tranquility, and grace personified, with hallmark service and unusual sightseeing in the vicinity. Travellers often wish they had stayed longer....